A Journey to the West.

Andrew Wang
2 min readNov 24, 2020

Yishu was built on the foundation of ancient Chinese philosophies. We believed that teachings from historical figures, be it real or mythical, passed down from generations can still be used today as a means to help guide you to wherever you may want to go. We wanted to bring these philosophies into the modern age, with timeless designs that will continue to inspire for generations to come.

Our very first piece, the war horse, was inspired by the very book that started the brand. Sun Tzu’s Art of War. Though disputed if he was real or not, the core values of his book is undeniable. You do not need to be going into war to learn from the Art of War. Thus, the “Passage” hoodie was inspired by the sense of adventure and self-discovery.

“Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared.” -Sun Tzu

Take what you will from both the horse and the quote. Is the horse fearlessly charging into battle in search of its owner? Is the horse running away from the senselessness of it all to protect its own interests? Our hoodies and paintings are free to interpretation, as we are here to design the whitespace, not your thoughts. Any emotion invoked by the horse painting, and the teachings that you perceive from the Art of War are all subjective. We are merely here to remind you of your own goals.

“Let your mind fill the voids, not your brush” -Pan Tianshou

